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2005-09 Indonesia -Rinca
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Dragon greeting us by the dock on Rinca island.

Baby dragon.

Prehistoric view on Rinca island.

Two full grown Komodo dragons patrolling the ranger camp on Rinca.

Komodo dragons on Rinca island.

Female dragon.

One of these buffalos had been bitten in the ear about a week earlier, and was badly infected. Several dragons were waiting around the water hole for it to die..

Seven hungry dragons and one unhappy buffalo.

This one had eaten recently, big round belly. Goat-shaped belly our guide thought.

Sunset over Rinca (..which reminds me it's probably a good idea to start heading back to camp by now..).

Staffan and our guide walking back to the ranger camp.

The princess in the high tower//stilt house is garded by a fire breathing dragon!

Leaving Rinca.

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