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2005-06 Puerto Lopez -Machalilla
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On the beach by Puerto Lopez.

Green Jay near Machalilla.


Cactus tree.

Small house by the Machalilla national park.

Green iguana.

Strange green bark Ceiba tree.

Ernesto, our guide, found this around 800 years old stone head by the path.

Strangler tree slowly killing a palm.

Bamboo jungle.

By 'San Sebastian' -the small house we stayed in in the jugnle.

Spider web with morning dew.

San Sebastian, the house our guide spent his first 35 years in, now abandoned in the jungle.

Closeup of the ancient stone head.

That's Ernesto's hand - none of us wanted to be that close to this thing..

flash never looks good..

Sebastian, Ernesto's grand child, was with us on the trek.

Green iguana (this one's actually by a restaurant in Guayaquil, not in the jugnle).

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